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Gratitude List

Tips with Tops

Gratitude List

In life, there are many reasons to be grateful but because of the stresses, strains and demands of life, at times, we might not recognise some of those smaller things or moments. But what if they were taken away from us? Or what if every morning when you woke up, you had to walk a mile each way to fetch your bathing and drinking water before you kicked your day off? Doesn’t sound fun right? No. It doesn’t.

Sometimes we can become complacent, comfortable, worrying about all the big, shiny things and forget to appreciate the smaller stuff.

This tip is about gratitude. Every now and then, I re write my gratitude list. And I’ll tell you what, when you are going through it and it feels like you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders, grab yourself a pen and paper, write down what you’re grateful for. No matter how big or small. Put it down. Look at it. Read it. Know it. Feel it. Think about it. And ask yourself what life would be like if you no longer had that thing, person or opportunity and maybe then, that gratitude list will remind you that there’s so much to be grateful for.

It doesn’t have to be anything major either, for example, some of my lists have included simple but key things like having running water or waking up with a roof over my head, then there’s more important stuff like, the fact that my parents are alive, something I am always soooo sooo soo grateful for...

Overall, when you’re feeling a bit low or you just want to tap into your gratitude bank, give it ago, it’s a useful way to hone into some of those things you appreciate in your life. Because positive psychology, goes a long way!

Stay grateful

Gigi aka Tope

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